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Pubblicità Il desktop KDE 4.2.3 è disponibile per il download pubblico Ultime News
Notizia pubblicata in data: 07.05.2009

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La Community KDE ha annunciato l'immediata disponibilità del desktop environment "Cuagmire", anche noto come KDE 4.2.3. Si tratta di una release di aggiornamento della major version KDE 4.2, dalla quale "Cuagmire" si distingue per l'integrazione di un lavoro volto essenzialmente al bug fixing, di cui una parte considerevole è stata riservata al client di posta KMail, e alla manutenzione in generale.

E' al solito ricca la dotazione di tool built-in, che include, tra l'altro, come da tradizione KDE, numerosi applicativi per l'amministrazione del sistema, utility per il network, software multimediali, game e programmi per gli sviluppatori.

KDE 4.2.3 è un software Open Source: i suoi sorgenti, al pari di alcune versioni compilate, possono essere scaricati dal sito ufficiale.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

May 6th, 2009. The KDE Community today announced the immediate availability of "Cuagmire", (a.k.a KDE 4.2.3), another bugfix and maintenance update for the latest generation of the most advanced and powerful free desktop. Cuagmire is a monthly update to KDE 4.2. It ships with desktop workspace and many cross-platform applications such as administration programs, network tools, educational applications, utilities, multimedia software, games, artwork, development tools and more. KDE's award-winning tools and applications are available in more than 50 languages. Cuagmire got its name from the Family Guy character Quagmire, being just as attractive and good looking.

KDE, including all its libraries and its applications, is available for free under Open Source licenses. KDE can be obtained in source and various binary formats from and can also be obtained on CD-ROM or with any of the major GNU/Linux and UNIX systems shipping today.


As a service release, the changelog contains a list of bugfixes and improvements. The most user-visible improvements are:

  • Online IMAP filtering in KMail has been fixed.
  • KMail's system tray icon now reacts to changes to folder properties and updates the number of emails shown there automatically
  • Bugfixes, performance improvements and optimization in KHTML - Painting and interoperability with web standards has been further improved
Note that the changelog is usually incomplete, for a complete list of changes that went into KDE 4.2.3, you can browse the Subversion log. KDE 4.2.3 also ships a more complete set of translations.

To find out more about the KDE 4.2.x desktop and applications, please refer to the KDE 4.2.0, KDE 4.1.0 and KDE 4.0.0 release notes. KDE 4.2.3 is a recommended update for everyone running KDE 4.2.2 or earlier.

Installing KDE 4.2.3 Binary Packages

Packagers. Some Linux/UNIX OS vendors have kindly provided binary packages of KDE 4.2.3 for some versions of their distribution, and in other cases community volunteers have done so. Some of these binary packages are available for free download from KDE's Additional binary packages, as well as updates to the packages now available, may become available over the coming weeks.

Package Locations. For a current list of available binary packages of which the KDE Project has been informed, please visit the KDE 4.2.3 Info Page.

Compiling KDE 4.2.3

The complete source code for KDE 4.2.3 may be freely downloaded. Instructions on compiling and installing KDE 4.2.3 are available from the KDE 4.2.3 Info Page.

Supporting KDE

KDE is a Free Software community that exists and grows only because of the help of many volunteers that donate their time and effort. KDE is always looking for new volunteers and contributions, whether it is help with coding, bug fixing or reporting, writing documentation, translations, promotion, money, etc. All contributions are gratefully appreciated and eagerly accepted. Please read through the Supporting KDE page for further information.

News Source: Community KD Press Release

 Tag: desktop  |  download  |  kde

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