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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: HDClone Free Edition 3.5.2 Ultime News
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Creating identical 1:1 copies of hard disks and other media. For data rescue, backup, system restoration, mass installations and many more...

HDClone copies the entire contents of hard disks and other IDE/ATA, SATA/eSATA, SCSI, USB, and Firewire media on a physical level. This even allows for the smooth creation of backups or copies of complete operating system installations. In combination with the special 'SafeRescue' mode of HDClone, this technique is also perfect for rescuing data in case of defective hard disks. Furthermore, HDClone works independent of a partition layout, file system and operating system (i.e. it works with FAT, FAT32, NTFS, etc.). Thus, it also works with proprietary data formats which could not be accessed otherwise. Besides copying complete drives, it is also possible to apply it to certain partitions only.

NEW: The SmartCopy mode, included in Standard Edition and higher, lets you create logical 1:1 copies. This allows to copy entire systems installations in a fraction of the time needed for a physical 1:1 copy.

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The Linux Kernel Organization rilascia il Linux Kernel 6.8.2: info e download
Indice delle news 
Ultimi File
Linux Kernel 6.8.8
AMD Radeon Software for Linux 23.40.2
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)
Wine 9.7 [Development Release]
Oracle VirtualBox 7.0.16
Linux Kernel 6.8.7
Linux Kernel 6.8.5
Wine 9.6 [Development Release]
OpenBSD 7.5
Linux Kernel 6.8.3
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