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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: LibreOffice Productivity Suite 6.4.0 Ultime News
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The Document Foundation announces the availability of LibreOffice 6.4, a new major release providing better performance, especially when opening and saving spreadsheets and presentations, and excellent compatibility with DOCX, XLSX and PPTX files.

LibreOffice offers the strongest compatibility in the office suite arena, starting from native support for the Open Document Format (ODF) - with superior security and interoperability features over proprietary formats - to almost perfect support for DOCX, XLSX and PPTX files. In addition, LibreOffice includes filters for many legacy document formats, and as such is the best interoperability tool in the market.

In addition, the new version provides some interesting new features [1]:


  • Application icons have been added to document thumbnails inside the Start Center, making it easier to recognise the different types of documents.
  • A QR Code generator has been added to the suite, making it easy to add QR codes - that can be read by mobile devices - to documents.
  • Hyperlink context menus have been unified throughout the suite, and now provide the following menu entries: Open Hyperlink, Edit Hyperlink, Copy Hyperlink Location and Remove Hyperlink.
  • The new Automatic Redaction feature lets your hide classified or sensitive data in a document based on text or regular expression matches.
  • The help system provides faster and more precise search results, while many help pages have localized screenshots for a better user experience.


  • A Table panel has been added to the Sidebar.
  • Comments can now be marked as resolved. In addition, it’s now possible to add comments to images and charts inside text documents.
  • Cutting, copying and pasting of tables has been improved, with a new Paste Special menu option “Paste as Nested Table”.


  • Spreadsheets can be exported into a single PDF page, to get an overview of all content without it being spread over multiple pages.


  • In the Shape menu, a new option called Consolidate Text combines multiple selected text boxes into a single one. This is useful if you’re importing a PDF and the text content is split across many boxes.


  • In Writer, table properties can be easily modified from the sidebar, and the document Table of Contents can be fully managed by users.
  • In Calc, the Function Wizard is now offering full features, and a wide range of options for selected charts has been added to the spreadsheet sidebar.
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AMD Radeon Software for Linux 23.40.2
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