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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: Fedora 29 beta Ultime News
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Beta Release Highlights

Modularity for all
Fedora 28 introduced modular repositories for Fedora Server Edition. For Fedora 29 Beta, modularity is available in all Editions, Spins, and Labs. Modularity makes multiple versions of important packages available in parallel and it will work with the same DNF you already know. Learn more about Modularity by reading the documentation, or listening to Episode 003 of the Fedora Podcast. GNOME 3.30

Fedora 29 Workstation Beta provides GNOME 3.30. GNOME 3.30 streamlines performance, adds a new Podcasts app, and automatically updates Flatpaks in Software Center.

Other updates
Fedora 29 Beta also includes many other updates: The Fedora Atomic Workstation was rebranded as Fedora Silverblue, the GRUB menu will be hidden on single OS installation. Fedora 29 also includes updated versions of many popular packages like MySQL, the GNU C Library, Python and Perl. For a full list, see the Changes page on the Fedora Wiki.

Testing needed
Since this is a Beta release, we expect that you may encounter bugs or missing features. In particular, dnf added many new features to support modularity and other use cases. To report issues encountered during testing, contact the Fedora QA team via the mailing list or in #fedora-qa on Freenode. As testing progresses, common issues are tracked on the Common F29 Bugs page.

For tips on reporting a bug effectively, read how to file a bug report.

NVIDIA rilascia il package Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 550.78
The Linux Kernel Organization rilascia il Linux Kernel 6.8.8: info e download
Con l'app free FileZilla Server 1.8.2 puoi creare il tuo server FTP a costo zero
AMD rilascia Radeon Software for Linux 23.40.2 - Radeon RX 7900 GRE Ready
Disponibile Ubuntu 24.04 LTS come Desktop e Server image, e Netboot tarball
Benchmark & Stability Testing: Prime95 30.19 build 14 - Windows, Linux, BSD, Mac
Qualcomm annuncia la piattaforma Snapdragon X Plus per i notebook AI ecologici
Wine 9.7 esegue il software nativo per Windows su Linux, Unix e MacOS
Samsung annuncia i primi chip di LPDDR5X con data rate fino a 10.7Gbps
Oracle rilascia VirtualBox 7.0.16 per Windows, Linux, macOS e Unix Solaris
SSH/Telnet/Rlogin Client & Console: PuTTY 0.81 - Windows x86 / x64 / ARM
Benchmark: Geekbench 6.3.0 - Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone Ready
On line le foto (leaked) dello smartphone Pixel 8a prima del lancio di Google
The Linux Kernel Organization rilascia il Linux Kernel 6.8.5: info e download
Wine 9.6 esegue il software nativo per Windows su Linux, Unix e MacOS
OpenBSD, rilasciata la versione 7.5 del Sistema Operativo BSD derivato da Unix
The Linux Kernel Organization rilascia il Linux Kernel 6.8.3: info e download
Apple potrebbe utilizzare un design monolitico per il SoC flag-ship M3 Uktra+
NetBSD Project annuncia la disponibilità del Sistema Operativo NetBSD 10.0
In arrivo da Intel due nuove GPU Alchemist denominate Arc A750E e Arc A580E
Indice delle news 
Ultimi File
Linux Kernel 6.8.8
AMD Radeon Software for Linux 23.40.2
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)
Wine 9.7 [Development Release]
Oracle VirtualBox 7.0.16
Linux Kernel 6.8.7
Linux Kernel 6.8.5
Wine 9.6 [Development Release]
OpenBSD 7.5
Linux Kernel 6.8.3
Indice dei file 
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